Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why not voting is not an option

as we know the 13th General election is in 2weeks time
everyone is discussing about it everywhere
facebook is flood with news / article about the current government and the opposition party
there is some kind ( or should i say group ) of people who does't care about what's happening in the country, all they care about is their property, luxury lifestyle, money.....
and some low IQ dude whose opinion is that 'whether i vote or not, it doesn't make any difference. this particular party is winning anyway'. if there are 100 or 1000 or more people who think this way, does that mean that whether or not the country is rich or broke is none of ur business?
there is even more exotic story about some senator, or party who pay citizen to vote for them. Is this the type of leader that u want? just some little candy for u and let u suffer for ur life?

here is a story that i would like to share about
(source from Lau tai onn facebook )

You live in a small city that has only one bakery. It provides your only source of food - bread. The bakery is not great. The bread is very expensive. Often the bread is burnt. The staff at the counter is rude to you. Sometimes, they even cheat you of your money and give you less bread than you paid for. But still, everybody goes there because there is no other choice.

One day, another bakery opens up across the road. Their bread is cheaper and it's never burnt. But the staff at the new bakery are also a liittle rude and they also cheat you of your money sometimes.

You decide to give the new bakery a chance and tell all your friends and family. They also switch over to the new bakery. Eventually more than half the citizens have switched over.

The old bakery notices this and makes their bread cheaper. They win some customers back.

The new bakery improves their customer service and drops their price to compete. And takes some customers away again.

The old bakery follows suit and installs security cameras to ensure customers are not being cheated.

And so on and so forth, until both bakeries have better and better standards - which is great for all the citizens, regardless of which bakery they choose to buy from.

You sit around and complain to everyone how both bakeries are the same, how bad both their service is and what dirty liars and cheaters they all are. But you still need the bread an
d stay with the old bakery because you're too lazy to choose. Your friends and family are influenced by your opinions and and do the same.

The new bakery doesn't survive, and no new bakeries are opened because the citizens have become so apathetic and it's too hard to get customers.

The old bakery, having no competition, increases their price until it's no longer affordable. Many of the citizens starve. Even those who can afford the bread get only burnt bread. The customer service is terrible and you get cheated every single time. 

Eventually, the bakery becomes so powerful that it takes over the city and makes a new law - that no other bakery is allowed to be opened in that city, ever.

The citizens are screwed.


Many people say they think it's pointless to vote because all politicians and parties are exactly the same - they're all as bad as each other. 

But by exercising your right to vote, you're keeping them ALL on their toes, and things can only improve from there.

People who don't vote think they're doing nothing - but that's not the case. 

By not voting, you're actually reinforcing the status quo, and not only that, you're also ensuring nothing will ever change, i.e. Scenario 2. 

This is why not voting is not an option for me. 

(There is another option, Scenario 3 - open a better bakery than all of the existing ones! )

u see, some citizen just sit there and complain about how bad this things are but did nothing to change, or should i say they are afraid of changes? 
do not think that by doing nothing u are in neutral state, u are allowing the current circumstances to take places for longer period. or probably eternity. ( for everything in ur life )
we are lining in our comfort zone and is challenging to walk out from it, but u never knew what great adventures u might experience.
i am not persuading anyone to vote for any party, we are free man, we can vote for who we want and no one can force u for voting them. 
but little did we know that healthy competition is good for us, for our country. If there is no competition, do u think u will make changes to top urself? so, why are u scare to compete? if u are strong enough, there is no reason to be afraid of. Lets have a nice clean game~
you made ur government, bt the government doesn't know about it, it is the power of the nation that bring it up to where he is now, the nation have the power to pull u from where u are if u fail them. 
People, do u know about ur power? 
please play ur role as a citizen. 
please think about what u want to do and which senator or party that is beneficial for the country. not only about the short-term benefit, but someone who can improve MALAYSIA

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